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Cover art for Travis Wyche's song: Juniper and Horehound Song

Juniper and Horehound Song

Travis Wyche


The laziness of late summer heat rippling on near and distant horizons, acerbic gin berries, scratchy bittersweet tongues lashing the ankles, calm bodies baking on the blood black rocks lining the Rio Grande, fingers exploring the lichen crevices between burnt stones, contemplative closeness and rust flavored openness, laying horizontal toes held upwards, soft gaze upon the azure umbrella sky, the slurping flow of chocolate-emerald pools. - Guitar, bass, drums, mellotron = by TW - Track 2/8 = Landscapes for New Mexico - Recorded, mixed, & mastered off-grid in the Carson National Forest Dec23-Feb24 - Visual landscape by TW, part of a larger series crafted concurrently

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Date Pressed
February 21, 2024
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