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Cover art for malfnktion's song: Chupa Ke

Chupa Ke



Neend is a collection of music and visual art, created for journeys in dream space. Here is the first single ‘Chupa Ke’, which roughly translates to ‘by hiding’ (something). Many of us live by hiding parts of ourselves, our actions and our desires. We keep things from other people and from ourselves. In Neend, we lose this narrative control. All dreams form in the dark, in imperceivable depths of the subconscious and some of them rise to the surface to be experienced. I began working on Neend as dream space soundtracks. Each song is meant to take the listener on a journey and be immersed in a soundscape that arrives from the subconscious. Neend can be visualized in shades of blue. And like real life and our mental state, there are imperfections and broken pieces. I have tried to reflect these concepts using MidJourney and Blender. By buying this NFT, you will be supporting the eventual release of Neend as an audio visual album and you will be credited as well.

Token Info

Date Pressed
October 21, 2022
Resale royalty
Token ID