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Cover art for Felly's song: Wood V2

Wood V2



Wood is a song I wrote and self produced. Released in December of 2019 after months away from home on tour. Drained but with good intentions. Sad but hopeful. I remember being obsessed with wood during the time of making this song, which is probably how it got this title. Wood as in the material. I started to buy a bunch of hand-crafted wooden furniture/designs for my studio and was super into the texture, the smell, the feel of it. I wasn't sure why my heart was pulled to it. One day I got a tarot card reading and the person literally said, "Putting yourself around wood would be really good for you right now, something grounding... try to maybe go to a forrest". I'm open minded of course but it was definitely odd to hear the synchronicities in the tarot-readers advice. Maybe I smelled like wood. It's part of the V2 series which is more so, stream of consciousness styled stuff. Almost with a demo-structure to it rather than songs that abide by some rule of arrangement. I'm happy this song is out in the world. I had a deep seated feeling of fear before putting it out, because of how vulnerable it was. But if I've learned anything that feeling is usually a good sign that you're telling the truth.

Token Info

Date Pressed
December 26, 2021
Resale royalty
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