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Cover art for Dutchyyy's song: The Release (Breathe Easy)

The Release (Breathe Easy)



"If you love something, let it go. If it returns, it's yours; if it doesn't, it wasn't. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were." Backstory: Created early 2010, Obviously I was head over heals in love at the time. We dated long distance 2009 - 2011, moved to Los Angeles together and dated on and off until 2014. Long story short, I've been single ever since haha. However, I have a deep and meaningful monogamous relationship with music so i'm pretty content =) Released on my 2010 album "Yawn of the Gemini" *****Whoever ends up collecting this will receive a link to my master cloud based vault "Dutchyyy vs the Algorithms" over 110gb's of nearly my full released and unreleased discography. *****

Token Info

Date Pressed
May 17, 2022
Resale royalty
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