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Cover art for Twenty Duce's song: Beat Up Cars (Featuring Mick Jenkins)

Beat Up Cars (Featuring Mick Jenkins)

Twenty Duce


Beat Up Cars is a song about perseverance. It was a time in my life where everyday was a struggle just to make ends meet. I used to drive a car that would randomly cut off on the interstate. I mean like literally cut off and I would have to pray it would crank back up while doing about 80 mph (crazy I know). But even during those trying times I never let it get the best of me. I knew I was destined for something better and that those trials and tribulations were just preparation. I'm a firm believer in the law of attraction. I used to lived a fast life filled with negativity that often made me think in the same manner as my environment. When I realized that I could change my life by changing my mindset, life changed for me. In the bridge of this song I say "One day, One day you can be a star, even if you riding in a beat up ass car." What I meant by that phrase is no matter what your situation, if you think positive and keep putting in the work even the sky ain't the limit! Im living Proof........... CREDITS: Written by: Twenty Duce, Mick Jenkins Mixed and Mastered by: Rick Rogers Artwork: @fonnyisfree Produced by: BVATMAN

Token Info

Date Pressed
April 21, 2022
Resale royalty
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